Dogs and Sharks

Nurse Sharks

#dogs #sailing

Dogs can be curious creatures, but sometimes it’s not in their best interest to engage with sea life.

The nurse sharks are keeping a close eye on the fish cleaning that we are doing near by. Jasper, the springer spaniel, is keeping a close eye on the nurse sharks.

If your dog likes to jump off docks, this might be a good time to have him on a leash. Ours are just curious and stay out of the water.

Nurse sharks are gentle creatures, and some of our group actually swam with them. I guarded the dogs, you know . . . just in case they needed guarding.

10 thoughts on “Dogs and Sharks

  1. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’d be guarding too. Swimming with even gentle sharks would most likely end in disaster for me. However, the water looks beautiful – I wish I were swimming there today instead of 2500 in a pool!


  2. What a great picture. No pets on this boat, but I can understand keeping a close eye on yours. We started this great adventure with two teenagers. I think we’d been better off with dogs. They please their masters a bit better than children do.


  3. Great photo!

    Jasper looks to me like he’s seriously thinking about jumping in there with them. Our dog,Spike, wouldn’t jump in, but he’d be barking his head off.


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