Kickstart Your Writing Session

Writer’s block? I don’t’ believe it.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to put words on page, and there are too many reasons for this to mention them all.

Here’s one quick trick I use when my brain is stuck.

First I remind myself that if I was at work, there is no excuse for not getting your job done. You can’t exactly say to your boss, “The numbers for the spreadsheet you wanted by three just didn’t appear, so I didn’t create the spreadsheet,” now can you?

So why make excuses for writing?

Having decided that giving myself the easy way out is not an option, what do I do?

I spend 10 minutes working on a crossword puzzle. It makes my brain think of words. They may not be words I would write with, but more often than not, a word triggers an idea, and then before I know if, I’m off and typing.

Doesn’t work every time, but when it does, it’s a good feeling.

Any tricks you want to share?

Thanks for reading . . .

4 thoughts on “Kickstart Your Writing Session

  1. I agree there’s no such thing as writer’s block and I say that as someone who has trouble writing. If I’m honest with myself, my problem is lack of discipline and your suggestion to think of writing as work is a great way to tackle that. As you say, you can’t make excuses at work so don’t do it when it comes to writing. In addition, I think it’s important to set realistic parameters (best time of day, etc) to set up for success.


    1. You and I so have the same work ethic. You are right about realistic parameters and one always has to consider what else is going on in life. It’s okay to give ourselves a bit of leeway, but not to give in because something is hard to do. As always, thanks for commenting.


  2. I make a playlist! Letting my subconscious choose the songs seems to bring it out of hiding. Then, if I’m still stuck, I free write about what’s bugging me. There’s always something …
    That usually gets all the knots out and I’m ready to rock. 🙂
    Good topic!


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