Farley’s Friday: Cold Feet

Farley here,

AARG! Look what my humans have done to me.


So it’s below 20 degrees celsius in this country? So ice forms in my pads and hurts me? Is that any reason to make me wear Kristina’s socks tied on with a blue elastic? I think they’re the running socks she wore this morning. What if one of my pals saw me. I don’t exactly look PAWsome.

But I like to think I can outsmart the silly humans. Not long into the walk, I discover if I slip my tooth underneath the elastic I can pull off the sock. Matt puts it back on each time, but both get the point I don’t like the fashion statement I’m making.

Boots 2

We get back to the house, and I eavesdrop on their conversation. They’re taking me to Chopper’s Pet Supplies in town,  and I get to choose new booties.  Really, making me go in public wearing used sweat socks and a blue elastic. Grrr.

Woof Woof.

10 thoughts on “Farley’s Friday: Cold Feet

  1. Dear Farley,
    You are so lucky! Other pooches would rejoice to have Krsitina’s sweaty socks on to warm their feet. I do understand about liking to be in style. If other dogs saw you, they’d want a pair of Kristina’s socks, too.

    Enjoy going to the store and picking out just the right stylish items to keep you toasty warm.

    Have a Woof-Woofing Day
    Never Give Up


  2. Thank goodness They are going to buy you some stylish boots. They will keep the snowballs from forming between your toes. I hate when that happens. It may take a bit to get use to them.. Our snow has melted….. for now love M.J.


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