Advance Reader Copy (ARC)

I’m sure everyone knows all about the ARC, but being a newbie, I learned a few things this week.

I learned the ARC is used to garner endorsements that go on both the outside and inside cover of the novel and are used for marketing.

I learned that the ARC gets sent before the final editing and proofreading of the manuscript is complete. Does that make me nervous? You bet, but I guess it’s standard in the industry, so I’ll go with it.

I learned that networking long before you finish your first novel is critical to the publishing journey.

Imajin Books requested I get endorsements from 5 to 7 authors in my genre. Mystery, in case you’re wondering. So I set out to do just that.

How does one find established authors willing to spend their time reading an about-to-be-published-for-the-first-time author’s novel? That’s where networking comes in.

I’ve attended writing conferences, workshops and  awards dinners. Each of these gave me a way to meet other authors. I started a blog. Got active on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

When I first joined the Crime Writers of Canada, I sent every CWC author a LinkedIn message asking them to connect with me. Hundreds did. I was amazed. I kept a spreadsheet of the authors I’d sent a message to, which ones accepted my invitation and included a check mark when I sent a thank you. Since then, I’ve kept up communication with authors, sending them a message when I’d read their book and posted a review.

Who to ask? I chose authors that I had some connection with. Either I’d met them in person, or I’d connected with them on the internet. I looked for authors where our writing had something in common.

I wrote a letter to each author as I would a query letter. I included my writing credentials and the reason I was asking a specific author.  I was nervous, but people are saying yes. I won’t tell you who yet. Part of asking is the condition that if they don’t like the book, I wouldn’t expect an endorsement. So now I have to wait… Writing seems to be a lot of waiting.

The following is included at the front of the ARC, and is followed by the novel. A PDF version goes to each author who has agreed to read Descent.


A Stone Mountain Mystery #1


Uncorrected Galley Proof

Kristina Stanley


A Stone Mountain Mystery #1

Copyright © 2015 by Kristina Stanley. All Rights Reserved.


Copyright is a matter we take seriously. Our authors and our publishing team work hard to produce quality books for people who will appreciate them. We often have discounts and sales so that ANYONE CAN AFFORD OUR EBOOKS.

 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. And any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead (or in any other form), business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Imajin Books –

If you haven’t read my blog before, I’ve signed on with Imajin Books and intend to blog about my publishing adventure. I’ll share what I learn and hope it helps someone out there get their novel published.

Thanks for reading.

P.S. I received the first version of the book cover. I’ll share as soon as it’s done 🙂

17 thoughts on “Advance Reader Copy (ARC)

  1. Reblogged this on jean's writing and commented:
    I want to give a shout-out and a big thanks to Kristina Stanley for sharing her experience and this invaluable information. We all love to find nuggets like this so I’m passing it on to my friends. Good luck Kristina with Descent!


  2. Reblogged this on Romance Done Write and commented:
    Wow, I don’t know about you but as a newbie writer (newbie in the sense I’ve been writing off and on for years, but taking my writing to the next level, like finishing a manuscript and submitting it for representation/publishing) I find this post a little daunting. We spend so much time working on our writing and getting a yes for our novel that we don’t realize there’s so much beyond that for that bundled 70k to be successful. Thanks and good luck Kristina.


    1. Thanks for the reblog. Gotta admit it’s fun being a newbie and learning something new everyday. And you’re right, newbie is an odd term. There’s so much work that goes into a novel long before it’s ready to be published.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Yeah, that’s it! Gods no I wish it was. I was attempting to get into the list and saw your name. I was all fluffy and happy for you thinking it was this year’s list so darted onto your blog to send a note. Anyway… congrats for last year 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

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