Farley’s Friday: I’ve Got a Girlfriend

Farley here,

Let me introduce Piper. She’s my girl. She’s a border terrier, was born one week after me, and has been visiting us this week.

Here we are the day we came home to our humans.

Farley and Piper Day 1

And here we are on the couch seven years later.

Farley Piper

I may look aloof, but I’ve got a huge crush on her, and I’m trying to look cool.

Woof Woof

11 thoughts on “Farley’s Friday: I’ve Got a Girlfriend

  1. Do you realize how much that looks like me? I have a curly pug tail that give it away that I am not a Border terrier. I guess that means if I lived close you would think I was cute too.

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