Instant Book Previews Via Amazon. Very Cool!

One has to wonder…Is it possible to stay on top of book marketing? Sometimes I’m overwhelmed with the amount there is to learn.

This week, I discovered, well discovered is not quite right…My publisher, Imajin Books, informed me there is a feature on Amazon where people can read a sample of my book without having to do much.

This is what you can do…

Add Instant Previews of your books to your website, blog, or app
When readers first discover your book, many of them will want to start reading it right away. By adding Instant Previews to your website, you enable your visitors to start reading a sample instantly without ever having to leave your site. No sign up, sign in, or app download required. Before Instant Previews, getting from your site to the first page of a book could take seven clicks. Now, it’s always just a single click away.
I think that blurb came right from Amazon.
So I’m trilled. Then I find out I’m late to the game. My author friends all know how to do this already. Hence I’m sharing it here in case there are others out there who don’t know about this.
If you want to test this feature out, here are the links:
If you want to see what a sample looks like, and perhaps discover what I write, then click below:
DESCENT sample
BLAZE sample
This feature is not available for AVALANCHE yet, as it releases officially tomorrow. But it will be then.
As a gift from my publisher, AVALANCHE is on sale for a limited time at $0.99 USD.

2 thoughts on “Instant Book Previews Via Amazon. Very Cool!

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