Farley’s Friday: A Wheaten or an Ostrich?

Farley here.

Smells. There are smells everywhere.

“Check this out,” I bark at Kristina.

She smiles in her indulgent way and waits for me to stick my nose in the snow.

I know there’s something under here. I dig deeper.

Farley Ostrich

“What are you, an ostrich?” Kristina asks.

I pause for a moment. What’s an ostrich? Ah who cares. I continue digging.

The problem I have is something I like to call SNOW NOSE.

Farley Snow Nose

Kristina laughs, but I’m not sure this is funny.

I have a solution. To get rid of snow nose, I rub my nose in the snow.

Farley burying his face
Snow Removal Technique

Can anyone guess if this worked?

Woof Woof.

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